Flocking Simulation using p5.js

Flocking Simulation using p5.js

This was a tiny project I made a couple of years ago in an graphics/simulation class to explore steering behaviours from Craig Reynolds’ Boids. I made it initially in C++ but ported it to p5.js. It’s a pretty cool simulation to show emergent behavior from simple rules; super mesmerizing to watch!

Use the sliders to adjust:

  • Alignment (how strongly the boids align the to the average direction of other boids in the vicinity)

  • Cohesion (how strongly the boids go to the average position of other boids in the vicinity)

  • Separation (how strongly the boids avoid each other in the vicinity)

Amrit Amar
Software Engineer

My research interests include data design and engineering, graphics and virtual/augmented reality, and artificial intelligence (particularly alignment, interpretability, and evolutionary algorithms).